
  • Rosydatul Muawanah Rosy Billfath University
  • Fitroh Resmi Program Studi Teknik Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Krisna Adilia Daniswara Universitas Billfath



Monte Carlo, Asian Option, Shallot Commodity


Shallot is a commodity that is needed in everyday life. However, the uncertainty of the price of shallots makes farmers suffer losses. This uncertainty can be overcome by using options on the sale of shallots. The Asian option was chosen because it is cheaper than the other options. To determine the value of this Asian option, the commodity price return model is used. The method that fits this model is the Monte Carlo method. In this study, data on shallot commodity prices were taken on the website of the National Strategic Food Price Information Center (PIHPS Nasional) in traditional markets in Surabaya for 4 years. The research of this study indicate that when the strike price  is more than the initial shallot price , then the Asian put option price is higher. Meanwhile, when the strike price  is less than the initial shallot price , the price of the Asian put option is low.


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How to Cite

Rosy, R. M., Resmi, F., & Daniswara, K. A. (2023). THE DETERMINATION VALUE OF ASIAN OPTION OF SHALLOT COMMODITY USING MONTE CARLO METHOD. MathVision : Jurnal Matematika, 5(2), 70–74.