Pemeriksaan Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Balita di Posyandu Desa Maindu Kecamatan Montong Kabupaten Tuban
The activity of examining the growth and development of toddlers at the posyandu aims to increase mother's knowledge about height and weight growth in toddlers, increase the motivation of mothers to check the growth and development of toddlers at nearby Posyandu locations. Achievement of the objectives of these activities is carried out through the provision of health counseling with quantitative, observation and descriptive methods. This activity was carried out by cadres, mothers and KKN Group 10 of UNIROW to observe and assist posyandu midwives in measuring the height and weight of toddlers. The results of the research that has been done show that this program runs well and smoothly and can motivate mothers to monitor the growth and development of toddlers. If the toddler's height and weight are not normal, then the child can be said to be malnourished, which will affect the toddler's immunity. So to overcome this, it is done by in-depth discussion method. Suggestions that can be submitted from the results of the program for examining the growth and development of toddlers are mothers who have toddlers are advised to have high motivation to gain knowledge about the growth and development of toddlers by means of mothers bringing their children to the posyandu more often. In addition, health workers or midwives as well as local posyandu cadres are expected to always provide schedule information related to toddler health to help mothers increase their knowledge
Keywords: growth, development, toddlers, Integrated Healthcare Center
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