
  • Cindi Nur Afida


RME, environtmental based learning


This study aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes in grade III SDN GesikanI Academic Year 2017/2018 with the use of Environmental Based Realistic Mathematics Education models. The method used in this study is Class Action Research from Kemmis and Mc. Taggart with his research subject was grade III. The results showed an increase in mathematics learning outcomes after using the Environmental Based Realistic Mathematics Education model. In the pre-cycle the average value of mathematics learning outcomes of grade III students was 65.95 with a percentage of grade completeness 33.33%. In the first cycle the average value of mathematics learning outcomes increased to 70.37 with the percentage of class completeness increasing to 55.56%. In the second cycle the average value of mathematics learning outcomes increased to 78.33 and the percentage of completeness in the class became 74.07%. And in the third cycle the average value of mathematics learning outcomes increased to 84.81 and the percentage of class completeness became 88.89%. The results of the study can be concluded that the application of Environmental Based Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) education can improve the mathematics learning outcomes of Grade III SDN Gesikan I Academic Year 2017/2018.



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How to Cite

Afida, C. N. (2018). REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION BASED LEARNING ENVIRONMENT TO IMPROVE RESULTS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS GESIKAN 1. Jurnal Teladan: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 3(2), 143–148. Retrieved from