Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Melalui Metode Contectual Storytelling
Upaya, kemampuan berbicara, metode contextual storrytellingAbstract
Contextual Storytelling in its activities in the classroom can help improve students' speaking skills which are defined as the efforts made by storytellers in conveying feelings, ideas or a story to children orally. Storytelling is very useful for teachers because it can be a motivation to develop awareness, expand the imagination of children, parents or activate storytelling activities on various occasions. However, the problem that occurs related to English subject activities is that many of the students are not able to speak English. This is evident when the teacher invites them to communicate in English, many of them cannot respond and do not understand what is being explained. This inability is suspected because they are not used to communicating in English, the teacher's teaching methods are not appropriate, and their environment is not supportive. Learning activities begin with giving narrative text as information that is known to students. Through this activity students are able to use English to express feelings, opinions and thoughts. Thus, the message to be conveyed will be easier for students to understand. Of course this will be very effective if applied in learning.
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