IMPLEMENTASI “PAIKEM” DENGAN “COLLABORATIVE LEARNING” (Satu alternatif memecahkan masalah belajar PPKn)


  • Djoko Apriono

Kata Kunci:

PAIKEM, Collaborative Learning


PAIKEM is active, inspirational/Interactive/Innovative, Critical/Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning. PAIKEM based learning helps students develop the ability to think high stage, critical thinking and creative thinking (critical and creative thinking). Collaborative learning involves a combination of hard work or intellectual  effort  by  students  working  in  groups  to  get  a  sense,  the  solution, meaning or create a product, and the overall exploration centered on the student and not the teacher's explanation is simple or detailed. By using collaborative learning, implementation PAIKEM as expected by teachers and public education will be realized and seen the results during the learning process takes place and when  the  student  has  been  implementing  the  learning,  it  will  appear  on  the behavior of students everyday when they exist in the school environment , families and communities, the students are critical, creative, active, interactive, innovative, and able to cooperate with anyone.


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Cara Mengutip

Apriono, D. (2016). IMPLEMENTASI “PAIKEM” DENGAN “COLLABORATIVE LEARNING” (Satu alternatif memecahkan masalah belajar PPKn). Jurnal Teladan: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 1(2), 135–144. Diambil dari