Kata Kunci:
Learning media, learning outcome, rockets and meteorsAbstrak
The results of the teacher's observation concluded that, during the evaluation activities at the end of the teaching and learning activities, student activities only heard and recorded, students tended to be passive, rarely asked questions, expressed opinions or refuted opinions. Only certain students actively express their opinions. From the results of the material postes that have been given, there are still many student learning outcomes that have not been completed. It is on this basis that the writer assesses the need to apply learning that uses a medium that is expected to be able to invite students in class X of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 3 of SMAN 1 Tuban to think critically. One of the learning media that can be used to invite students to think critically is PMR learning media (Meteor and Rocket Games). Game-type media can create an atmosphere of play while learning and a process of question and answer between students so that it forms new patterns of thought towards a concept discussed.
This type of research is classroom action research. The study was conducted at SMA 1 Tuban in even semester 2017/2018. The subject of this study was the XI MIPA 3 class, all of which were 34 students. During the research process, researchers used the method of observation, tests and interviews. Cognitive learning outcomes of students with posttest scores, observation methods to determine the activities of teachers and students, and interview participants to find out the weaknesses of students who have not achieved completeness.
Based on the results of the study, the application of the learning method of discussion with the learning media of the Meteor and Rocket Games, the classical completeness of 85% of the 3 th grade XI IPA in Tuban 1 can be fulfilled. This can be seen from the results of student learning completeness in that class which reached 88%. Learning media for Meteor and Rocket Games that the author applied to class XI MIPA 3 Tuban 1 High School was able to present an innovative, interesting and fun learning process. Make students actively participate in learning activities that are quite fun, and provide benefits for students so that most students of XI MIPA 3 Tuban Public High School are able to reach the specified KKM. Based on the results of the study, there were also some students who had not yet attained SKM. This can be caused by several internal or external factors that affect the completeness of student learning in the classroom and ultimately affect the value and achievement of learning in the classroom.
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