Editorial Process

Each article to be published will undergo a double blind review process submitted to the reviewer. The identity of the author will not be known to the reviewer and vice versa. Reviewers will consider the eligibility of the article from the suitability of the title, abstract, introduction, discussion and conclusion. Reviewers will also look at the originality and quality of references of each article to be published. The Turnitin similarity index is a maximum of 35%.
After review, there will be four types of editor decisions based on recommendations from reviewers:
1. Accept Submission: The manuscript will be accepted without revision.
2. Revision Required: The manuscript will be accepted after minor changes are made.
3. Resubmit for Review: The submission needs to be revised again, but with significant changes, the submission can be accepted. However, this will require a review.
4. Reject Submission: The manuscript will not be published in the journal.